Rice Noodles with Braised Beef and Mushroom Paste
Kev piav qhia
Rice Noodles with Braised Beef and Mushroom Paste
Kub thiab ntsim noodles nrog nqaij nyug thiab nceb muab tshuaj txhuam, seasoning muaj chilli, cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm Sichuan Qixing kua txob, uas muaj ib tug muaj zog kub thiab ntsim saj.Txhua noodle tom yog refreshing thiab txaus siab, stimulating koj qab los noj mov, muab koj ib tug ntsim ncaws.
Rice noodles muaj roj tsawg thiab muaj calorie ntau ntau, ua rau lawv xaiv zoo heev.Koj tsis tuaj yeem hais txaus txog qhov koj hlub tus no ntau npaum li cas, nws yuav yog qhov nyiam tshiab ntawm koj lub tsev.Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm cov zaub mov no yog kev sib koom tes zoo kawg ntawm nqaij nyug thiab nceb.Wow, Flavor ntuj.Txaus siab rau!
Vim li cas ho tsis sim peb cov noodles qab nrog cov qe thiab nqaij ntxiv?Txhua pob ntawm ZAZA GREY vermicelli yog super ntau yam, thiab yog li yooj yim ua.
Cov khoom xyaw
Rice noodles, Braised nqaij nyug thiab nceb muab tshuaj txhuam, tshwj xeeb soy sauce, Fried peanuts, Capsicol, tws ntsuab dos
Cov khoom xyaw ntxaws
1.Rice Noodle Bag: mov, edible cornstarch, dej
2.Braised Nqaij nyuj thiab Mushroom Paste Hnab: rapeseed roj, nceb, nqaij nyuj, taum paste, chili, nceb hmoov seasoning, tempeh, ntsev, qab zib, txuj lom, qhiav hmoov, qej hmoov, E631
3.Soy Sauce Bag: brewed soy sauce, edible salt, edible corn starch, maltodextrin, qab zib, poov xab extract, star anise hmoov, clove hmoov, cinnamon hmoov, cumin hmoov, geranium hmoov, ntsuab dos hmoov, txuj lom, E631, Disodium 5'- ribonucleotide, tsis muaj dej
4.Fried Peanuts Bag: Peanuts, edible Vegetable Oil, edible ntsev, E631
5.Capsicol Hnab: zaub roj, kua txob, noob hnav dawb, ntsev ntsev, txuj lom
6.Ntsuab dos hnab: Ntsuab dos
Kev qhia ua noj

Khoom npe | Rice Noodles with Braised Beef and Mushroom Paste |
Qhov Chaw Keeb Kwm | Tuam Tshoj |
OEM/ODM | Txais tau |
Txee lub neej | 180 hnub |
Lub sijhawm ua noj | 10-15 feeb |
Net nyhav | 181g ua |
Pob | Ib pob xim lub thawv |
Ntim / Carton | 32 kuv |
Carton Loj | 43 * 31.5 * 26.5cm |
Kev cia khoom | Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw qhuav thiab txias, zam qhov kub thiab txias lossis tshav ntuj ncaj qha |